Lil' Dot (Boobhead) Shirley Budhert (Butthead) Ariel (Airhead)
Sonny (Egghead) Martin, not Martian (Flathead) Pops (Bubblehead)
"I don’t want to belong to any
club that would have me as
a member."
— Groucho Marx
There’s 2 sides to every story and the
CryptoMadcap characters are a story
within a story. Each characters’ traits
and idiosyncrasies parallel aspects of
the cryptoverse. It’s a club of sorts,
composed of buttheads, eggheads,
blockheads and the like, basically the
"head" labels we might affectionately
(or unaffectionately) place on others.
Adding to the “madcapacity”, each
member displays their own distinctive
headwear as a requirement for
membership. This project is designed
specifically to target those familiar with
blockchain technology but the stories
are universally entertaining. This
collection has recently been minted
and is available for purchase at
You can learn more about NFT's and
the blockchain by selecting the
eyeball below.

Buster (Blockhead) & Pong Kingpin (Pinhead) Rose (Shithead)

GZ (Letterhead) GZ (minted version) Woody (Masthead)